Veneers are ultra-thin, custom-made dental laminates that are bonded directly to the teeth. They are an option for closing gaps or disguising discoloured teeth that do not respond well to whitening procedures.

Veneers are commonly used to correct imperfections in your teeth, such as unsightly gaps or crooked, chipped or discoloured teeth. At our dental clinic, our ultra-thin semi-transparent shells made of porcelain, are custom-made to fit to the front of your teeth and subtly alter their shape, colour and alignment to create a more attractive appearance.

The procedure is relatively simple and can be completed in just one or two appointments. First our dentists will take a precision mold of your teeth. They will then help you choose the right shade of veneers for your new smile. Once your custom-designed veneers are ready, they will affix them to your teeth.